




  2003.9-2007.6 四川大学——生物技术专业(学士)
  2007.9-2010.6 四川大学——遗传学专业(硕士)
  2010.9-2015.12 厦门大学——环境科学专业(博士)




  (1)Zhang, Yong; Zhang, Shu-Fei; Lin, Lin; Wang, Da-Zhi*, Comparative transcriptomeanalysis of a toxin-producing dinoflagellateAlexandriumcatenella and Its Non-Toxic Mutant, MARINE DRUGS, 2014.11, 12(11): 5698~5718
  (2)Zhang, Yong; Zhang, Shu-Fei; Lin, Lin; Wang, Da-Zhi*, Whole transcriptomicanalysis provides insights into molecular mechanisms for toxin biosynthesis in a toxic dinoflagellateAlexandriumcatenella (ACHK-T), TOXINS, 2017.7, 9(7)
  (3)Zhang, Shu-Fei; Zhang, Yong; Xie, Zhang-Xian; Zhang, Hao; Lin, Lin; Wang, Da-Zhi*, iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis of a toxigenic dinoflagellateAlexandriumcatenella and its non-toxic mutant, PROTEOMICS, 2015.12, 15(23-24): 4041~4050
  (4) Zhang, Shu-Fei; Zhang, Yong; Lin, Lin; Wang, Da-Zhi*, iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis of a toxigenic dinoflagellateAlexandriumcatenella and its non-toxigenic mutant exposed to a cell cycle inhibitor colchicine, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY (Accepted)
  (5)Li, Cheng; Zhang, Yong; Xie, Zhang-Xian; He, Zhi-Ping; Lin, Lin; Wang, Da-Zhi*, Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals evolutionary divergence and species-specific peptides in the Alexandriumtamarense complex (Dinophyceae), JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, 2013.6.28, 86: 85~96
  (6)Wang, Da-Zhi*; Li, Cheng; Zhang, Yong; Wang, Yu-Yu; He, Zhi-Ping; Lin, Lin; Hong, Hua-Sheng, Quantitative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the toxicity-lost mutant of Alexandriumcatenella (Dinophyceae) in the exponential phase, JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, 2012.10.22, 75(18): 5564~5577
  (7)Wang, Da-Zhi*; Zhang, Shu-Fei; Zhang, Yong; Lin, Lin, Paralytic shellfish toxin biosynthesis in cyanobacteria and dinoflagellates: A molecular overview, JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, 2016.3.1, 135: 132~140
  (8)Wang, Da-Zhi*; Zhang, Hao; Zhang, Yong; Zhang, Shu-Feng, Marine dinoflagellate proteomics: Current status and future perspectives, JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, 2014.6.13, 105: 121~132
  (9)Li, Dong-Xu; Zhang, Hao; Chen, Xiao-Huang; Xie, Zhang-Xian; Zhang, Yong; Zhang, Shu-Feng; Lin, Lin; Chen, Feng; Wang, Da-Zhi*, Metaproteomics reveals major microbial players and their metabolic activities during the blooming period of a marine dinoflagellateProrocentrumdonghaiense, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2017.12.14, 20(2): 632-644


  (1) Zhang Y., Wang D.Z.*. Transcriptome study of Alexandriumcatenella exposed to metabolic inhibitor colchicine. 中国海洋湖沼学会藻类学分会第九届会员大会暨第十八次学术讨论会. 厦门. Nov. 27-30, 2015. (会场报告)
  (2) Zhang Y., Wang D.Z.*. Biosynthesis mechanism of paralytic shellfish toxins in marine dinoflagellatesA. catenella. The 6th International Conference on Prevention and Management of Harmful Algal Blooms in the South China Sea cum The 2nd International Conference on Beneficial Uses of Algal Biomass 2015 (HABSCS-ICBUAB 2015).香港. Nov. 20-23, 2015. (会场报告)
  (3) Zhang Y., Li C., Wang D.Z.*. Comparative proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of toxin-producing A. catenella and its non-toxic mutant.首届厦门海洋环境开放科学大会. 厦门. Jan. 9-11, 2014. (海报)
  (4) Zhang Y., Wang D.Z.*. Biosynthesis mechanism of paralytic shellfish toxins in marine dinoflagellates.第十一届中国生物毒素研究及医药应用年会. 青岛. Oct. 17, 2013. (会场报告)
  Wang D.Z.*, Li C., Zhang Y., Wang Y.Y., He Z.P., Hong H.S..Quantitative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the toxicity-lost mutant of A. catenella (Dinophyceae) in the exponential phase.The 15th International Conference on Harmful Algae.昌原, 韩国. Oct. 29, 2012.(海报)
  (5) Zhang Y., Gao Y., Wang D.Z.*. Proteomic analysis reveals proteins involved in toxin biosynthesis in toxin-producing dinoflagellateA. catenella. 2011 International Conference on Environmental OMICS (ICEO).广州. Nov. 9, 2011. (会场报告)